Version 3.3.0
- Feature - New-vRABusinessGroup does not support SharedAccess User role (#183) (@thecloudxpert)
- Fixed #180 - Set-vRAEntitlement assumes EntitledCatalogItems (@feardamhan)
Version 3.2.0
- Feature - New parameter ExtendedProperties and pipeline support for Get-vRABlueprint
- Fixed #102 - Get-vRABlueprint is using the wrong API endpoint
- Fixed #178 - Get-vRABlueprint is not using the Limit parameter
Version 3.1.1
- Feature - Get-vRAResource enhancements (#171) (@BlackCatDeployment)
- Fixed #173 - Consider using Module Tags in addition to PSEditions
- Fixed #175 - Use ConvertTo-Json in Connect-vRAServer (@mponton)
Version 3.1.0
- Feature - New function Remove-vRAReservationStorage (#157) (@skunkie)
- Feature - New function Get-vRARequestDetail (#167) (@otabut)
- Feature - Listed as PS Core compatible module in PS Gallery
- Feature - Supported on vRA 7.2 and 7.3
- Fixed #168 - Get-vRATenantDirectory does not support multiple directories in the API response
Version 3.0.0
Breaking Changes
WARNING: This release contains breaking changes The minmum supported PowerShell Versions have been raised to the following: * Windows PowerShell: 5.1 * PowerShell Core: 6.0.0-rc*
- Feature - Add ability to select SSL Protocol (#159)
- Feature - Single PSM1 file to speed up load times
- Feature - Add -Wait Parameter to Request-vRAResourceAction (@Thitho007)
- Fixed #134 - Issue with double quotes in some functions
- Fixed #135 - Some private functions are being exported
- Fixed #137 - Help examples for Get-vRAResource are incorrect
- Fixed #148 - Request-vRAResourceAction Example Correction
- Fixed #149 - Support Reservation Type change from 'vSphere' to 'vSphere (vCenter)' in vRA 7.3
- Fixed #151 - Get-vRAReservationPolicy
- Fixed #153 - New-vRAReserveration Error
- Fixed #130 - Unable to connect after removing SSLv3/TLSv1 ciphers from vRA Appliance
Version 2.2.0
- Feature - Remove Network Path from reservation #43
- Feature - Add -Debug capability for New / Set functions #78
- Feature - Add function to retrieve the groups that a user is a member of #81
- Feature - Add function to retrieve source-machines #123
- Feature - Add function to invoke data collection #127
- Fixed #124 - xRequires does not work as expected when executed in a Begin block
Version 2.1.0
Breaking changes
- Functions that take a Password parameter now require a SecureString #106
- Connect-vRAServer - Now requires a SecureString for the Password parameter if you are using a Username/Password combination
- Feature - Properties-service support #119 - Thanks to @sammcgeown
- Get-vRAPropertyDefinition, New-vRAPropertyDefinition, Remove-vRAPropertyDefinition
- Feature - Support for updating icons (including the all services icon) #117 / #37:
- Import-vRAIcon, Export-vRAIcon, Get-vRAIcon, Remove-vRAIcon, New-vRAService, Set-vRACatalogItem, Set-vRAService
- Fixed #68 - Set-vRAUserPrincipal Id parameter now has an alias of PrincipalId
- Fixed #76 - Add support for LocalScopeForActions to Set-vRAEntitlement/New-vRAEntitlement
- Fixed #77 - Actions are not applied when creating a new entitlement with New-vRAEntitlement
- Fixed #105 - Fix functions using String type for Password parameters
- Fixed #110 - Issue with "Get-vRAReservationComputeResource -Type vSphere
- Fixed #111 - Build | PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword | Set-vRAUserPrincipal
- Fixed #112 - Build | PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments| Set-vRATenantDirectory
- Fixed #113 - Build | PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments | New-vRATenantDirectory
- Fixed #114 - Build | PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword | New-vRAUserPrincipal
- Fixed #115 - Build | PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull | Invoke-vRARestMethod
- Fixed #116 - Build | PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull | Connect-vRAServer
- Fixed #120 - Clean up issues from Properties Service PR
- Fixed #121 - Get-vRABusinessGroupName filter by Name fails on special characters
Other fixes and improvements
- Introduces stricter checks in our CI process. The analyze task will now fail on warnings
- Introduces Pester tests for function help
- All functions are now required to have at least a synopsis, description, one or more example section(s) and every parameter must have a description.
- Lots of other fun improvements to our CI and build process - See here for more information
Version 2.0.0
- PowerShell Core v6.0.0-alpha.14 Support
- Module restructured to use ps1 files for functions instead of psm1 files
- Private functions are now actually private
- Public functions restructured in to endpoint folders
- Removed depricated functions: Export-vRAContentPackage, Get-vRAContentPackage, Import-vRAContentPackage, Remove-vRAContentPackage, Test-vRAContentPackage, Get-vRAConsumerCatalogItem, Get-vRAConsumerCatalogItemRequestTemplate, Get-vRAConsumerEntitledCatalogItem, Get-vRAConsumerRequest, Get-vRAConsumerResource, Get-vRAConsumerResourceOperation, Get-vRAConsumerResourceType, Get-vRAConsumerService Request-vRAConsumerCatalogItem
- Updated to include more information regarting Core Support
- Introduction of
- Pester Test improvements
- Build improvementss
- Bugfixes and improvements